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Download PATCHED Sudoku Variants Zip

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Download Sudoku Variants zip

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HoDoKu version 2.2 contains a lot of UI tweaks, including acomplete new display type (ColorKu mode) and some bug fixes.For visually challenged people the font size of the whole GUI (includingall dialogs) can be changed (not applicable under some Linux variants).Interoperability with other sudoku programs has been increased byadding various text file formats for puzzles.

Other puzzles include Hanjie, Slitherlink, Yajilin, Heyawake, Nurikabe, Masyu, Hashi and many more. Other Sudoku variants include Samurai Sudoku (both 13- and 5-grid versions), Killer Sudoku Pro, Odd Pair Sudoku, Jigsaw Sudoku, Skyscraper Sudoku, Sudoku 1616 and tens of other types.

This site contains hundreds of sudoku puzzles in printable PDF and HTML format. Each file contains 8 puzzles, 2 on every page, with solutions on the last page. The puzzles are standard sudoku puzzles with a 9 by 9 grid divided into 9 smaller 3 by 3 boxes.

Sudoku Chess is played on a 9-by-9 Sudoku board, solved or unsolved, agreed to by the players at the beginning. Each player has 9 pawns, 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops, 2 queens, and a king. Rules are the same as FIDE chess with the following exceptions: Pawns promote on the 9th row, not the 8th. In the initial setup, each player's first row has a queen on both sides of the king. The pieces on the first row are arranged in this order: RNBQKQBNR, where R = Rook, N = kNight, B = Bishop, Q = Queen, and K = King. Kings and rooks have the additional power to leap to any empty square in whichever 3-by-3 box they occupy. Knights and bishops have the additional power to leap to any empty square that has the same number as the square they occupy. (If the Sudoku is unsolved, the player needs to prove to the opponent or a referee that the destination square's number is the same as the origin's number.)There are billions of possible "boards" for Sudoku chess. This Zillions file implements just two, and both of those are solved. Suggestions for improvement of the game or the script are welcome. Download InstructionsInstructions on downloading this Zillions file:Download the .zip fileExtract the contents of the .zip file to your Zillions of Games folderBe sure you have the "Use folder names" checkbox checked when you extract the files. This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.

1-playerChess Sudoku (The digits 1-8 and a chess piece in each row, column, and region. Each piece should attack the numbers 1-8 exactly once. (proposal, discussion and examples)Slightly Modified Chess Sudoku (The digits 1-8 and a chess piece in each row, column, and region. Each piece can attack the numbers 1-8 exactly once.)White Knight Sudoku (each row, column and box contains the digits 1-8, a white chess knight, no white knight attacks one other knight) (example)Black Knight Sudoku (each row, column and box contains the digits 1-8 and a black chess knight, every knight attacks at least one other) (example)Black and White Knight Sudoku (each row, column and box contains the digits 1-7, a black chess knight and a white chess knight, every black knight attacks at least one other black knight, no white knight attacks one other white knight) (example)Knight and Queen Sudoku (each row, column and box contains the digits 1-8 and a white chess knight or a white queen (one per puzzle), no chess piece attacks one other) (example)White Queen Sudoku (each row, column and box contains the digits 1-8, and a white chess queen, no white queen attacks one other queen)Anti-Knight Sudoku (each row, column and box contains the digits 1-9, no digit is knight-move connected with the same digit) (example)Anti-Knight Sudoku X (each row, column, box and both main diagonals contain the digits 1-9, no digit is knight-move connected with the same digit) (example)Sudoku with chess piece pattern (example)2-playerSudoku Chess (rules)Sudoku War (rules, ZRF)Smythe Dakota's Sudoku Chess (rules)Hints to other chess sudoku crossover are welcome. Reply View ??Doug Chatham wrote on 2006-03-04 CETWell, if you like the large number of setups, here's another idea you mayfind amusing: Googol Chess. In Googol Chess, each square points to aparticular non-adjacent square randomly chosen during the setup. A piecehas the additional power to leap to the square pointed to by its currentsquare, if that destination square is empty. There are at least(64-9)^64=55^64 > 2.1 x 10^111 possible setups on a standard chessboard. Reply View Sam Trenholme wrote on 2006-03-04 CETI like this idea because I like the idea of having a chess variant template which makes for a huge number of playable games; I'm not just talking about the 960 games of Fischer Random Chess or the 252,000 possible games using a 8x10 Carrera setup where the bishops are on opposite colors; I'm talking a Chess variant that allows a number of games with a number like 6,670,903,752,021,072,936,960 (the number of possible Sudoku solutions). One idea: Each pawn can be one of nine different pawn types:A chess pawnA shogi pawnA berolina pawnA 'beroshogi' pawn (moves and captures diagonally forward)A chess pawn that can also capture directly aheadA berolina pawn that can also capture diagonally forwardA chess pawn that can also move diagonally forwardA berolina pawn that can also move straight forwardA 'super' pawn that can both move and capture straight or diagonally ahead.For an 8x8 board, this results in 9 ** 8 (43,046,721) possible opening setups; for a 10 * 8 (or 10*10) board, this results in 3,486,784,401 possible opening setups.For the pieces, any of the pieces, except the king, can have any of the 15 combinations of rook, knight, bishop, and camel movements. The king exists in three forms: Can move as a ferz, can move as a wazir, and can move as a FIDE chess king. For an 8 * 8 board, this results in 512,578,125 possible setups; combine this with the pawns above and our 8x8 board now has 22,064,807,537,578,125 possible opening setups. The corresponding 8x10/10x10 board has 402,131,117,372,361,328,125 possible opening setups. Now we're starting to get what looks like a variant template with a decent number of possible starting setups. :) As a practical matter, this template for the pieces probably usually results in arrays where white has a considerable advantage because there is so much force on the board, but this is a thought experiment, not a practical Chess variant design. This might work a little better: Make the atoms Betza's crab (leaps from e4 to d6, f6, c3, and g3), a fers, a wazir, and a camel. But that probably makes most setups too weak. Perhaps if we add a randomizing factor with these weak atoms whick randomly strengthens one of the atoms (makes the ferz atom a bishop atom, a wazir a rook, a crab a knight, and a camel a camel + dabbah). This causes each piece to have one of 32 possible forms; for an 8x8 board this results in a grand total of 4,437,222,213,480,873,984 possible setups; for a 10x8 or 10x10 board, this results in 368,040,959,274,957,611,728,896 possible setups. Reply ViewList all comments and ratings for this item.Add a comment or rating for this item.The Chess Variant Pages is an amateur, hobbyist website that has been run by volunteers since it was founded in 1995. It focuses on documenting games based on, related to, or similar enough to Chess and on letting you play many of them.

This thesis contributes two approaches to create witnesses for unsolvable planning tasks. Inductive certificates are based on the idea of invariants. They argue that the initial state is part of a set of states that we cannot leave and that contains no goal state. In our second approach, we define a proof system that proves in an incremental fashion that certain states cannot be part of a solution until it has proven that either the initial state or all goal states are such states.

To solve stochastic state-space tasks, the research field of artificial intelligence is mainly used. PROST2014 is state of the art when determining good actions in an MDP environment. In this thesis, we aimed to provide a heuristic by using neural networks to outperform the dominating planning system PROST2014. For this purpose, we introduced two variants of neural networks that allow to estimate the respective Q-value for a pair of state and action. Since we envisaged the learning method of supervised learning, in addition to the architecture as well as the components of the neural networks, the generation of training data was also one of the main tasks. To determine the most suitable network parameters, we performed a sequential parameter search, from which we expected a local optimum of the model settings. In the end, the PROST2014 planning system could not be surpassed in the total rating evaluation. Nevertheless, in individual domains, we could establish increased final scores on the side of the neural networks. The result shows the potential of this approach and points to eventual adaptations in future work pursuing this procedure furthermore.

Carcassonne is a tile-based board game with a large state space and a high branching factor and therefore poses a challenge to artificial intelligence. In the past, Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), a search algorithm for sequential decision-making processes, has been shown to find good solutions in large state spaces. MCTS works by iteratively building a game tree according to a tree policy. The profitability of paths within that tree is evaluated using a default policy, which influences in what directions the game tree is expanded. The functionality of these two policies, as well as other factors, can be implemented in many different ways. In consequence, many different variants of MCTS exist. In this thesis, we applied MCTS to the domain of two-player Carcassonne and evaluated different variants in regard to their performance and runtime. We found significant differences in performance for various variable aspects of MCTS and could thereby evaluate a configuration which performs best on the domain of Carcassonne. This variant consistently outperformed an average human player with a feasible runtime. 041b061a72


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